new music for three zithers

Reinhilde Gamper (I)
Leopold Hurt (D)
Martin Mallaun (A)


The zither? The Third Man? To be perfectly honest, that’s yesterday’s (or day-before-yesterday’s) music. The zither of today is a well-established member of the contemporary European music scene- in the last years young interpreters have begun to discover the well-nigh inexhaustible wealth of colour and sonority inherent to the instrument.

In the trio project at hand, three prolific members of this new zither scene interact to widen the horizons of our listening experience: Reinhilde Gamper, Leopold Hurt and Martin Mallaun. Driven by curiosity and experimental zest, they have developed an unorthodox approach to music making, making use of new playing techniques and latest developments in electronic music.

The Trio’s first CD from 2011 was favourably reviewed and the program repeatedly successful in live concert. They now proudly present their second program. Internationally renowned composers have contributed to it, among them Wolfgang Mitterer, Gordon Kampe, Katharina Klement, Manuela Kerer, Peter Jakober und Hannes Kerschbaumer.



neue Musik für drei Zithern

Cover Austrian Heartbeats 02

Austrian Heartbeats # 02

Selected by Georg Friedrich Haas

Cover Manuela Kerer

Manuela Kerer

ORF Edition Neue Musik

Cover „DRIFT


Compositions for instruments with
electronics by Katharina Klement

The CD is available from your dealer:
label: Idyllic Noise
distribution: Lotus Records
or via E-Mail: Martin.Mallaun [at]
price: 18€ excluding shipping costs

“Neue Zeitschrift für Musik”, November 2012 Christoph Wagner

Das Trio Greifer entwirft die Vision einer neuen Klangwelt der Zither auf so vielfältige, schlüssige und überzeugende Weise, dass man sich fragt, warum es bestimmte Vorbehalte eigentlich überhaupt jemals gegeben hat. Am Instrument kann es nicht gelegen haben.

“crow with no mouth”, US-amerikanischer Musikblog, 04.12.2012 Jesse Goin

Whatever niche the trio occupy, their musicianship is superb. Hurt, Gamper and Mallaun all compose and perform in various contexts, participate in many ensembles, and are clearly steeped in Weiss and Dowland, as well as contemporaneous composers. Their mutinous energy might struggle to continue finding commissions from the academic realm, perhaps leading them to open-ended works with a greater latitude for improvisation. Whatever the case, Greifer are making vital music, and with any luck at all, will receive invitations to be heard where genuinely adventurous listeners gather.

“FALTER”, 12.09.2012 Miriam Damev

Greifer entlocken dem Instrument ganz neue Töne: dichte Cluster, sirrende Tremoli, wuchtige Schläge. Und wer hätte gedacht, dass man zu Zithermusik sogar headbangen kann?

“SKUG”, 24.09.2012 Curt Cuisine

Großartig die Auswahl der Stücke, famos die Umsetzung, variantenreich und ebenso überraschend der Hörgenuss. Großes (Zithern-)kino für die Ohren wird hier geboten, ein Leckerbissen!